Forum Donations 2024/2025
on October 25, 2024, 09:29:59 am
HI Guys The funds from the last donation effort ran out in July. The hosting cost are €22 a month. Ive created a goFundMe as the paypal pools only last one month. again for your support
New member edition 30 questions
Last Poster: Ryan Edition 30 in Mk5 General Area on Today at 08:09:13 pm
Hi all been reading the forum for a while but now registerd, I have had my edition 30 gti since Sept 24 last couple of weeks have noticed a slight hesitation under load for a second or two then off it goes doesn’t do it all the time only very intermittent , also noticed a slight increase in fuel consumption, car isn’t driven hard came across a thread relating to coil pack campaign
Mk5 Creek.. Thought it was the subframe.. maybe it's not?
Last Poster: marcp8v in Mk5 General Area on Today at 07:53:48 pm
Hi all, new both to here and to MK5 ownership, I used to have a MK2 GTI when I was 18 and cool, the Mk5 came out during the time I had the MK2 and I always wanted to get into one but life got in the way, but we are here now.
Anyway, subframe creek. The car I bought suffers with a awful creaking noise, quick Google led to me to this very forum, so I bought the creations
Last Poster: spaspeckerthedull in New Member Intro's on Today at 04:04:14 pm
just joined, didn'#039t know about this forum and unfortunately my MK5 gti dsg was written off the week before christmas
I will admit I have an ulterior motive for joining - I have quite a few MK5 spares, some brand new, that I want to give away - free, gratis, for nothing so do I still have to follow the rules for placing an ad?
i'#039d like them to go to a forum m
Re: Remanufactured CV Shaft
Last Poster: lazy in Mk5 General Area on March 13, 2025, 08:58:03 pm
Also the CV boot shouldn't have any sort of hole in, water would get in and ruin the joint. One of my CV's was making a noise and I ended up getting a full shaft. I asked the parts supplier who we deal with to get me the best available and he got me a BGA one. It was a bit tight getting the gearbox end in but it's been on a few months now and haven't had any issues.
Interior fuse box diagram?
Last Poster: hcmzah in Mk5 General Area on March 13, 2025, 05:19:39 pm
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find a diagram for the interior fuse box but everywhere online it seems to be different to mine Does anyone have a diagram for this?
Last Poster: hshofique in Members Rides on March 12, 2025, 07:41:18 pm
That'#039s crazy, someone must have practically lived in the thing! Think it'#039ll get to 500,000?
Of course it will! As of now it runs really good and pulls very good. Does need its injectors done which are being done one Friday alongside walnut blasting, full service, rocker
Re: Suspension Recommendation
Last Poster: Scott1974T in Mk5 General Area on March 12, 2025, 02:42:21 pm
Does anyone know what the spec is for the Bilstein B3 OE replacement springs? On AutoDoc it comes up with these for my 2007 GTI as a replacement fit and they are only £22.14 each which seems a bargain. This is for the rear springs. It notes them as for '#039standard suspension without a trailer hitch'#039. Does anyone know if these are the same dimensions as what would be on the car or o
Re: Sagging head liner replacement London
Last Poster: johnsimister in Mk5 General Area on March 10, 2025, 05:56:41 pm
Dave Joy at Hukes Car Trimmers did mine, very nicely. Looks completely OE. 2A Lower Gade farm, Dagnall Road, Hemel Hempstead HP1 3BP, 01442 843144, They tend to get booked up so there mght be a bit of a wait before they can fit you in.
John S
Central Locking System not working, anyone know where I should start?!
Last Poster: StephenCabers in How to Guides / Troubleshooting on March 09, 2025, 05:01:03 pm
Hi all, I own a 1.9tdi mk5 and currently am having issues with the central locking, when I first got the car, it was intermittent, sometimes working sometimes not, however I recently looked at the fuse box on the drivers side and it had no fuse in it, I put a 25 amp in it and the fuse blew right away, tried a 30 and alas it still didn’t work… nbsp  Don
Re: Cant get Insured for a reasonable price
Last Poster: Smithy1222 in Mk5 General Area on March 07, 2025, 04:38:24 pm
I found out why it was so expensive, I was declaring wheel spacers and alloy wheels, and while alloy wheels didn't cause any issues my cheapest price dropped by over £1000 when removing wheel spacers. Tried Greenlight and they cant insure me with those mods declared, it must be some other factor which is causing it to be excessively expensive. Thanks all for your replies!
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